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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
I believe every child will be successful when the setting is comfortable, safe and secure, as well as familiar. All activities are child initiated and teacher directed, with an equal balance of both. I provide a nurturing environment by providing daily activities to include age-appropriate based on the individual learning abilities, this includes playtime, art, music, and learning experiences that will aide children in learning successfully. Children deserve to be treated and respected in an environment that welcomes reason, exploration, question, and imagination. I respect each child’s need for love, security, acceptance, warmth, and stimulation. With that, all children with all abilities including special needs as well as health needs (depending on my comfort and knowledge level to deal with certain situations) are welcomed in to care. I will work with families and child (ren) to provide the best care that is acceptable for their need. Should I receive inquires or children into care that have language barriers and cultural backgrounds that differ from what I teach and know, I would take into consideration when planning to help meet the needs of the child (ren) and also prepare myself as much as possible to care for and teach each child. Accommodations will be made to a degree of needs, safety, and level to which it doesn’t conflict with those in care. If I feel its not a great fit for my program, I will not accept children and families that pose a possible safety issue where I am unable to care for the entire group. Daycare is a reflection of our children; therefore I have based my philosophy and goals around the children’s interest and needs. Accommodations are always made due to changes, needs, what we’re doing etc. though we will follow guidelines that aides in learning, social needs, health needs etc. The ultimate goal is for children to work through play and their interest while learning and preparing for school.
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